Mei 10, 2013

Whom do I want to meet to?

Whom do I want to meet to?
I do idol Mr. Soekarno whom was the first president of Indonesia. I never met him before because he had passed away long ago before I was born in 1988. I was born in the Mr. Soeharto era. He was the second president of Republic of Indonesia after Mr. Soekarno government.
Even though I didn’t live in the Mr. Soekarno era, I know about Mr. Soekarno from his history. He was a great president and a great leader. He was so nationalism. He believed to Indonesian people power. He believed that the Indonesia citizens could be a great nation in the world if each people could be nationalist and struggle the sovereignty of Indonesia through our works and our love to this country. Everyone should fight out of love for their country, Indonesia.
That’s why I do idol Mr. Soekarno, even I have ever read that Mr. Mahatma Gandhi told,” In a thousand years forward, Indonesia will not have a great leader such as Soekarno.” Mr. Soekarno was so respected by many people from many nations.
If I am able to turn the time back, I am going to meet Mr. Soekarno and ask him to have discussion with me. I want to ask a lot of questions about Pancasila (or Five Principles) and his perspective about Indonesian people. Then I’m going to tell him what is happening in the Indonesian future, in this era.
I would like to listen to his opinions about Indonesia. I want to prevent Indonesia from destruction through our believing to our own potencies and power. I think Mr. Soekarno had many good ways to make Indonesian people believe in their potencies. Together, we are going to be strong. We should not make a problem of differences among us. Each person was born different to others, but it is not a problem. We are able to declare our way of thinking and act freely; nevertheless we should respect each other. We have to remember the most important thing. That is we are born as Indonesian. We should thank and proud to be Indonesian. We have the same purpose, it is serving to Indonesia.
written by: Damar

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