Maret 03, 2013


Joining MAPASADHA (a short story)

Last January, my brothers, sisters, and I joined Basic Education of Nature Lover for college student. This basic education was organized by MAPASADHA. MAPASADHA is an organization which is active in nature activities. MAPASADHA is an abbreviation for Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Sanata Dharma. This basic education must be had and passed by us or whosoever wants to join MAPASADHA.

Everyone who is being MAPASADHA member candidate should consider and treat other candidates as brother or sister. We aren’t allowed to consider other as a friend. Besides that, we whether candidate or member have our own jungle name. The senior made the jungle names. For example, my name is Damar and my jungle name is Silis. We use jungle name in order to make each of us equal. The senior told us, our jungle name makes us equal although we are actually different. We came from different background. We have special character or exclusive personality, even we also have different name. But, in MAPASADHA we made for one another. For me, jungle name makes us closer and it’s able to decrease our awkwardness and ashamed to other. That is the reason why I didn’t write my friends and I joined Basic Education of Nature Lover for college student. (Please, notice the first sentence in the first paragraph)

Before we joined basic education, we had been prepared with pre-basic education. Pre-basic education was done in three sessions. Each session took 2 days. We did pre-basic education in the weekend and in the different place for every pre-basic education. The first pre-basic education had been taken place at Klangon in Merapi mountain. The second pre-basic education had been taken place at 2 different places, first place was at Selokan Mataram (Mataram sewer) in Jogjakarta and the second one was at Babarsari in Jogjakarta. We did our second pre-basic education under Babarsari Bridge. The last pre-basic education had been taken place at 2 different places as well. The first place was at Cermai cave in Wonosari in Jogjakarta, then it continued at Parangndog high side near Parangndog beach in Bantul in Jogjakarta.

We moved from one place to other place on foot. The distance between Cermai cave and Parangndog high side is approximately 20 km. In the second pre-basic education we went on foot from Mrican (second campus of Sanata Dharma University) to under Babarsari Bridge. When we went to Selokan Mataram (Mataram sewer) from Mrican by a rental car because we brought a rubber boat for rafting at Selokan Mataram. We called it Mataram sewer but it was actually a river which was built since Mataram kingdom government.

We learnt mountain jungle and navigation in the first pre-basic education. We also learned how to make fire camp, how to cook in the jungle, and how to build bivouauc and natural bivouauc. We started learning how to build natural bivouauc in second pre-basic education. The materials of second pre-basic education were about rafting and building natural bivouauc. We used at least 2 raincoats to build bivouauc. In order to build natural bivouauc, we needed wood, branches, and foliage. So, bivouauc is different to natural bivouauc. In the last pre-basic education, we learnt all about cave (including kind of rocks in the cave and kind of creatures) and how to do rock climbing and how to use rock climbing gears. We did rock climbing at Parangndog high side.

Before we did pre-basic education, we had had a class to learn 8 materials. Those materials were about MAPASADHA organization, nature lover, and management of journey, mountain hiking, navigation, jungle survival, first aid, and ESAR (Explore, Search, and Rescue). MAPASADHA organization and nature lover were about organization acquaintances. The other 6 materials were important knowledge for living and surviving in the jungle.

This scheme of admission of MAPASADHA member had been begun on September 12th, 2012. This all admission process lasted in inauguration day on Februari 3rd, 2013 at Ungaran mountain in Central Java. There are 9 survivors from 15 candidates. Nine of them are Gacer, Berok, Celnah, Lacuk, Brontok, Bidur, Jeron, Sikur, and Silis. They who fell in admission process of MAPASADHA are Tikek, Loang, Kencet, Pektay, Pantet, and Kocer. But once we met, learnt, and started this process together, we are still brother and sister for one another.

Written by: Silis
Snake Fraternity XXXIII