Mei 27, 2013

An adventure and an inconvenience

G.K. Chesterton:"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."

He told us about the way we see or the way we think. I notice there are two interesting things. They are an inconvenience and an adventure. Each of them has similarity. An adventure offers many challenges and so does an inconvenience. Usually I choose to involve in an adventure. I expect many challenges from an adventure, but it's different with an inconvenience. I don't expect to face inconvenience although it offers me many challenges.

This is the point. If I see an inconvenience as an adventure, there will be no negative thinking. There will always be excited feeling, so much power to face it, and plenty of motivations to carry on. :) Let's step forward. 


7 komentar:

  1. Hi mas damar, finnaly I can open your blog after for long time ago you ask me to open and read it.
    I think your short article is interesting to read and after I read it, why you dont want to face inconvenience things. I think inconvenience will teach you about problem solving and it is not ridiculous things to be faced.hehee
    and I thing inconvenience also teach us to find or to change it become convenience things. I also think that inconvenience is come from our own feeling.hee
    -thank for reading my opinion-

  2. Hi mas damar, finnaly I can open your blog after for long time ago you ask me to open and read it.
    I think your short article is interesting to read and after I read it, why you dont want to face inconvenience things. I think inconvenience will teach you about problem solving and it is not ridiculous things to be faced.hehee
    and I thing inconvenience also teach us to find or to change it become convenience things. I also think that inconvenience is come from our own feeling.hee
    -thank for reading my opinion-

  3. Thanks for reading my writing. By the way, no one wants to have inconvenience, including me. I can't hide from inconvenience things. There must be many inconveniences in this world. But, I'm able to choose my way of thinking. I'm able to consider an inconvenience as an adventure, then I can face an inconvenience. :)

  4. hmm,,,gituu,, I think sometimes people make their own inconvenience unconsciously. sometimes as a human being they ignore it. so inconvenience is a challlenge which is the term of our own making. perhaps it is not challenging.

  5. People might make an inconvenience to others, but no one might make an inconvenience to himself or herself.
    When you didn't understand about any lesson which was given by your lecturer, it might be an inconvenience for you. But, when you decided to figure it out, that's the time when an inconvenience changed into an adventure.

  6. An adventure will be more interesting if you don't quit and you're able to enjoy the process.

  7. setuju dech sama kamu :D
    but I think people might make thier own inconvenience. Im sure about that.

    heheee,,finally I can open it easier.. :D
