Februari 15, 2013

Wonderful Gift of Christmas (a conversation)

My conversation with child of GOD (someone who doesn't want her name to be noticed) via sms.

20.12.2012 07:48 p.m. (me)
MERRY CHRISTMAS  everybody. The Redeemer has come in this world. May He redeems all of us from our sins.^.^ amin.

20.12.2012 07:51:46 p.m. (her)
Amen. I’m sure of that. So, you really believe Jesus can save you?

20.12.2012 07:54 p.m. (me)
I believe Jesus is able to save me. But it’s hard to believe myself whether I can live as He commands or not. I’m full of sins. I’m a bad guy. I’m afraid when He comes to me and finds me guilty.

20.12.2012 08:15:05 p.m. (her)
Hope you don’t mind if I share this with you:
Salvation is not what you do or do not do. It is what Jesus did for you, He came to earth to shed His blood and die for you and for me.. He did it because God knows we are NOT able to save from our ow sinfulness. He already paid for our sins, we only have to depend on what Jesus did is already enough in order for us to be saved. He died but rose up again. He went back to heaven and He is coming back again to take His own.
I know I’m sinner too, but I believe I’m saved because one day in my life I asked Jesus to come into my life, to forgive my sins and to give me eternal life. I know any time when I die or when He comes, I’m going to be with Him because of Jesus. He is not only my Savior but my Lord.
Maybe you read – Johannes 3:16-18; Johannes 14:1-6; Ephesus 2:8-9; Kolosse 2:13-15

20.12.2012 08:17:04 p.m. (her)
Ow – “own”

20.12.2012 08:22 p.m. (me)
Ouh… T.T That’s very kind of you. Thanks indeed for sharing this fragments to me. You know, I even seldom read Holy Bible. I’m Catholic but I think I’m not living as true Catholic. OK. I’ll continue our discussion after I read those fragments.
20.12.2012 08:26 p.m. (me)
By the way, may I write your sms on my blog? I’m so interesting and I think I should share it to everyone. May I?

20.12.2012 08:27:04 p.m. (her)
Ok good. Remember also that’s not about religion but it’s about “your RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD”

20.12.2012 08:28 p.m. (me)
OK.^.^ thank you so much. I’ll keep your sms as a wonderful gift of Christmas. :D

20.12.2012 08:29:00 p.m. (her)
Yes you may but not my name.

20.12.2012 08:34:48 p.m. (her)
Hope you will make that step of faith to invite Jesus into your heart for you to be born again. May Jesus be born into your heart. I did when I was 8 years old.
Just tell Him you are a sinner and that you can’t save yourself but you believe He can because of what He did for you. Ask for forgiveness for your sinfulness and receive the promise of eternal life.
Yohanes 1:12

20.12.2012 08:52:52 p.m. (her)
Exchange your sinfulness to the righteousness of Christ.

20.12.2012 09:01 p.m. (me)
Miss, I don’t understand about what is written in Kolosse 2:13-15 and Efesus 2:8-9. How is believing in Christ? I mean, it doesn’t only say I believe but I don’t do what HE commands. HE gives us commands as well, doesn’t HE? He says that FAITH WITHOUT ACTION IS DEAD. What do you say?

20.12.2012 09:10:03 p.m. (her)
In Kolosse it talks about our sins that when Jesus died on the cross He already removed/paid for our sins past, present, and future, Our sins were already nailed on the cross, Just imagine that you have a list of your sins (like hutang). If you debt you need to pay, right. We have the debt of sin but we can’t pay it, so Jesus did. LUNAS.

20.12.2012 09:11:55 p.m. (her)
For Ephesus: it’s not our work that can save us but the grace of God(favor from God that we don’t deserve) through faith( believing / depending on God and promises)

20.12.2012 09:12:54 p.m. (her)
It’s not even our faith that can save us but by Jesus alone. Faith is our response to His promise
20.12.2012 09:14 p.m. (me)

But we have to act as He commands as well, right miss? Ouuhh… those fragments are beautiful but I can’t understand them. I do want to have your enlightment in my mind, miss.

20.12.2012 09:15:05 p.m. (her)
Faith without works is dead: yes. Yakobus wrote that letter to those “BELIEVERS OF CHRIST” already, not to those who are not saved yet.
Meaning good works don’t result in salvation but it is the result of salvation.

20.12.2012 09:15:47 p.m. (her)
I do good works because I’m already a child of God

20.12.2012 09:16 p.m. (me)
OK. Your last 3 messages help to understand those fragments.

20.12.2012 09:16:01 p.m. (her)
Not for me to be saved

20.12.2012 09:16:11 p.m. (her)
But because I am saved.

20.12.2012 09:18:21 p.m. (her)
If you refer to the 10 commandments: we can’t perfect it that’s why Jesus had to come and die for us.

20.12.2012 09:19 p.m. (me)
OK. Yup I refer to 10 commandments. I’m crawling to understand.

20.12.2012 09:19:23 p.m. (her)
We can only live a holy life through Christ in our life.

20.12.2012 09:30 p.m. (me)
Does it mean we are able to become the child of God if we believe in Jesus even we might act against His commandments on this earth? I try to form it logically.

20.12.2012 09:34 p.m. (me)
I’m so sorry miss. Perhaps I make you boring with my way of thinking. I feel so dumb and dark tonight. I’m so sorry.

20.12.2012 09:37 p.m. (me)
I know that you concern to me. But really I can only know it from the outer surface, not till the deep.

20.12.2012 09:39:48 p.m. (her)
No problem, I’m gals to explain things to you. Just wait a moment, I will answer your question soon. I need to do something first…

20.12.2012 09:41:15 p.m. (her)
Correction: Gals-glad

20.12.2012 09:47 p.m. (me)
I know that you concern to me. But really I can only know it from the outer surface, not till the deep. (It is the passage of holy bible I mean)

20.12.2012 09:48:07 p.m. (her)
Yes for us to be reconciled to God and be saved, it is only through Jesus. Living a godly life and doing good works are possible if you already have a relationship with Him, the Holy Spirit will enable.

20.12.2012 09:53:46 p.m. (her)
Yea I understand.
The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth if you ask-because the Holy Bible is spiritually discerned)

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