Persoalan dan kesulitan dalam hidup menjadikan kebahagiaan dan sukacita semakin indah. Kerendahan hati membantu kita mampu melihat potensi positif dalam diri sesama ciptaan Ilahi. Kejujuran memurnikan pikiran kita dari rencana jahat. Keteguhan hati membantu kita untuk tidak jatuh ke dalam godaan-godaan yang merugikan diri kita sendiri dan sesama ciptaan Ilahi.
Marilah tersenyum.
Problems and difficulties in life may make happiness and joy more beautiful. Modesty is able to help us finding positive potency of others, creation of God. Honesty may deliver our mind from bad preconception. Persistence may help us for not falling down into any temptations which lead us to wickedness and harm the others.
Let us smile
Problems and difficulties in life may make happiness and joy more beautiful. Modesty is able to help us finding positive potency of others, creation of God. Honesty may deliver our mind from bad preconception. Persistence may help us for not falling down into any temptations which lead us to wickedness and harm the others.
Let us smile
Senyum kayak aku :)) hahaha :D
BalasHapushehehe yes I'd like to do the same smile. :)
HapusSenyum membantu mengobati hati yang terluka :D
BalasHapusYa. Itu benar terjadi. :D